• I would like to get my LTC. Where do I start?

We would love to help you through the process. Although you can take the LTC class at any point during your journey, we always encourage any potential candidate to visit the Texas DPS Handgun website to start their application process. Follow this link to start your application. https://www.dps.texas.gov/section/handgun-licensing . Be sure to look through their FAQ to verify you meet all of the criteria. https://www.dps.texas.gov/section/handgun-licensing/frequently-asked-questions Fingerprints are required, however you have to submit your application first. The state will send you an unique PID that you will use to ensure your digital fingerprints go to the right agency. The state will also conduct a state and federal background check prior to issuance of your license. That process does not begin until your entire packet is complete and submitted. 2Docs DOES NOT verify eligibility or conduct background checks.

  • What is the online class?

The State of Texas established specific criteria and processes to allow anyone wishing to obtain their LTC to take the didactic portion online. The class is regulated to 4-6hrs of instruction and our class is available to be viewed on your mobile, tablet or home computer. Following completion of the final exam, you receive a certificate of training called the LTC-101. That certificate is valid for 6mo and you take it to any licensed LTC instructor in the State of Texas for an addition 1-2hr in-person instruction and proficiency demonstration (aka) the shoot portion. Once complete, you submit it along with your application. THis is a wonderful way to take the class from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace without having to travel to a classroom.

  • Tell me about the LTC class. What does it entail?

The classroom portion of LTC covers all of the relevant Texas Penal Codes concerning the carrying/possession of a handgun in the State of Texas, safe storage practices, confrontation de-escalation techniques, as well as the laws concerning use of force. It is more than just strapping a gun on your hip and going to your local grocery store. The class is state regulated to take no less than 4 hours and no more than 6. This cannot include break periods, written testing or range time. Following the didactic portion, you must pass a written test with a 70% and then complete the proficiency demonstration with a score of 175/250 possible points. (70%) See below for details of this portion. From start to finish, we ask you to plan on about 6-7hrs. We ask that you arrive at class 15min early and prefer you store your handgun in your locked vehicle. If you have to bring your handgun into the classroom, it will be required to stay cased and unloaded. This is a safety consideration and will not be exempted. We reserve the right to secure your firearm case to prevent opening during class with a zip-tie or similar device. There will be absolutely no handling of “real” firearms during class. Inert training handguns will be used for any demonstration.

We will accommodate, to the best of our abilities, any ADA requirements. Please inform us before class of any requests. You will have to be able to safely manipulate your firearm. Please consider your choice of handguns based on your individual situation. If our instructor cannot ensure your safety or the safety of other students on the range, you may not be able to complete the requirements.

What can I expect during the Proficiency Test?

The Handgun Proficiency Demonstration is also known as “The Shoot.” Depending on the individual class schedule, we will either shoot prior to class or afterward. Don’t worry, we cover the range details and any associated access fees. All you have to do is show up with a terrific attitude, your handgun, ear and eye protection and ammo. There is no minimum caliber of handgun. You can also shoot either revolver or semi-automatic. Whatever you are comfortable with and plan on carrying. .22cal thru .45cal can be shot on most ranges. We strongly recommend obtaining your ammo early. In today’s changing environment, it can sometimes be difficult to find. There is a minimum of 50rds required. You will be required to engage targets at 3yrds, 7yrds, and 15yrds. All of our instructors are qualified as Range Safety Officers and will inspect your chosen handgun for safety and compliance with Texas guidelines. Your handgun cannot be modified with laser aiming devices or optical sites. You are only allowed to use open (iron) sites on the demonstration. If we can disable or remove any modified sites, we will allow the handgun. If not possible, you will have to obtain another one. We are not insured to supply handguns or ammo. Some of the ranges we use have handguns available to rent. Some do not. we cannot guarantee availability and any transactions are between you and the range. We also require all ammo to SAAMI approved. Most commercial retailers sell only approved ammo. Visit this website to learn more. www.saami.org